決してひやかしや興味本位でオファーを出さないでください。 原則的のオファーは全世界から受け付けますが、 依頼内容や依頼カテゴリーによりお断りする場合がある事をご容赦ください。
お名前/your name (必須)
メールアドレス/e-mail (必須)
1.何を造りたい(やりたい)?/What do you want to make ?
2.プロジェクト名(製品名)やテーマは?/What is the project (product) name or theme?
3.目的( ユーザーへのメリット)は?/What is the purpose (exactly what is it supposed to do/provide the user)?
4.機能や仕様は?/What are the required functions and functional specifications?
5.外観サイズ、内部サイズ、容量は?/What are the dimensional/size requirements?
6.構成部品と機能は?/What are the internal parts and functions of each, if required?
7.希望する素材は?/What material(s) are to be/not be used?
8.希望する重量は?/What are minimum/maximum weights?
9.使用環境は?/What type of usage environment?
10.必要な付属品は?/If accessories are required, please reply to 3-9 for each accessory?
11.開発行為の範囲,希望は?/Range of development requested to us?
12.生産ロットは?/How many is estimated initial production lot size?
13.製造場所は? / Where do you want/not want manufacturing?
14.製造技術や設備は?/What production technologies/equipment are required (facilities)?
15.製造コストや原価は?/How much is production cost (manufacturing cost per unit)?
16.販売方法は?/How will product be sold (retail, internet, etc.)?
17.販売対象は?/Pls explain what is target market demographics?
18.販売地域は?/Where will product be sold (targeted sales territories)?
19.当初の目標年商や販売数量は?/How much is targeted annual sales for first and following years?
20.将来の販売見通しや計画は?/What is planned product future (one-off product, or product series)?
21.他の重要な情報や希望は?/Other important information/requests/instructions?
22.デザインイメージをできるだけ具体的に/Design image, if created (please provide all design images, sketches, schematics prepared to date)?